Boy Scouts Troop 229 -- First Baptist Church of Elizabethton, TN

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Late Summer 2007 Stuff

As Summer is winding down, the campouts are starting back up.

Sept 14-16 we have an unusual opportunity to camp in the cabins at Winged Deer Park. There is a Dragon Boat race taking place, and it gives us a chance to get some community service hours in. We will be picking up the recyclable trash on Saturday, and possibly offering coffee or hot chocolate for donations. Camp fees are $12 for the food for the weekend, due 8/27/07.

Sept 28-30 Akela Cub Campout will be held at the Appalachian Fairgrounds this year. The Boy Scout Troops are allowed to camp Fri and Sat nights, while the Cubs will camp on Sat night only. The camp fees (amount TBA) for food are due 9/13/07.

Oct 19-21 Fall Camporee will be held at Camp Davy Crockett. (Note: this was changed to the Twins field)

Rank Advancements Most of the newer boys are about finished with their tenderfoot requirements. Keep workin' at it! If you're finished (or almost finished) with Tenderfoot requirements, start working on the Second Class & First Class, because you can work on all three of these ranks simultaneously. Here are worksheets you may print and be filling out:
Second Class:
First Class:
Note that there are swimming requirements in Second and First Class advancements; while these can be done in the winter at an indoor pool, it's much more convenient to do it before the summer is over. Some of these may have been completed at camp. See the Scoutmaster if you have any questions.

Since things are getting busy, with fall sports, school, and we have quite a few scout activities coming up, we will probably step back our meetings to every other week, instead of every week. Also, when we have a campout, instead of meeting Monday for a regular meeting, then again on Thursday to pack the trailer, we will probably meet on Thursday for a short meeting, then pack the trailer. This will allow everyone to have less on their hectic schedules.


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